
Digital Products

Sell digital products in your webshop. E-books, audio files, educational material and other downloadable files.

Digital Products in the group Features at Askås I&R AB (askas_0020)

Sell ​​e-books, audio files and educational material

Being able to sell different types of downloadable products is something that is in demand by more and more e-retailers. Askås has therefore developed Digital products.

The feature provides the ability to offer a variety of different types of downloadable files to consumers. E-books, audio files, course materials and e-licenses.

Pros with Digital products

VERSATILE. The feature allows upload of a variety of file types and there are no restrictions in the system. Keep in mind, however, that different file types may work more or less well in different browsers.

USER FRIENDLY. The end customer's purchased digital products end up on My pages. From there, the product/products are downloaded in a simple way. A logged in customer can download a product one or more times.

SAFE. In connection with the download, a link is created to the current product in the system. The link is unique and linked to the individual download. No one else can use the same link. However, the downloaded file is not copy-protected, it is the actual download process that Askås takes responsibility for.
  • More information

    The feature is to some extent prepared for integrations to external systems via Askås API. This can provide opportunities for the sale of e-licenses for online-based training, sale of tickets connected to other systems and similar solutions. *

    * NOTE. Integrations to external systems via Askås API involve costs in addition to normal installation.

  • Costs

    Contact Askås for more info/ordering: or +46 533 69 16 00

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