

Sport & Leisure
MaxGaming in the group Merchants at Askås I&R AB (ref_maxgaming)

MaxGaming towards new records

From a basement in Väsby to a market-leading position in the growing gaming industry. A lot has happened for MaxGaming during almost 20 years and the future plan includes continued expansion, at home and globally. The growth is happening with Askås Enterprise. Askås' most powerful, feature-rich and reliable e-commerce solution.

MaxGaming uses

Askås Product Engine

Lightning fast product listing, filtering and search functionanlity. A part of Askås Enterprise.

Askås Content Editor

Powerful and flexible drag and drop feature for building front pages, landing pages and newsletters. Interior design

Service Level Agreement

SLA, Service Level Agreement provides security and stability. You get access to an on-call support technician 24 hours...

Return Management System

Askås Return Management System is an integrated and powerful return portal that is available in two different ver...