

Diet & Health
Proteinbolaget in the group Merchants at Askås I&R AB (ref_pb)

Growing Proteinbolaget in a new costume

Rapid growth on all fronts has been commonplace for Proteinbolaget since the start in 2012. In recent years the focus has been on profitability and site development. In 2020 the company upgraded to Askås Enterprise, the most powerful version of Askås e-commerce platform.

- The customer experience is always number one for us and now are we really confident that we have a site that delivers on top, says Mårten Åkeson, founder and CEO.

Proteinbolaget uses

Askås Product Engine

Lightning fast product listing, filtering and search functionanlity. A part of Askås Enterprise.

Dynamic Content Manager

Dynamic Content Manager is a feature that lets you schedule how and when different types of content should be displayed.

Service Level Agreement

SLA, Service Level Agreement provides security and stability. You get access to an on-call support technician 24 hours...

Multi Market Manager

With Askås Multi Market Manager you can reach customers on a global market regardless of location and language.