
Askås Cookie Manager

Customer friendly and flexible solution for cookie management.

Askås Cookie Manager in the group Features at Askås I&R AB (askas_0023)

Flexible cookie solution
with Askås Cookie Manager

Built-in feature for customer-friendly cookie management

Askås has developed a new functionality for cookies. With ACM - Askås Cookie Manager, you have every opportunity to live up to the regulations that apply in GDPR.

As an e-retailer and customer of Askås, you have the opportunity to take control of your cookies yourself. You can create your own cookiebar - the way you want it to look. Write your own texts, choose colors and create categories to which you link your cookies.

Pros of ACM

SECURE. With ACM, you get control over your cookie management and have the opportunity to communicate your policy to your customers in a simple manner.

VERSATILE. The functionality is smooth but also powerful. You write your own texts, choose colors on the cookiebar and buttons. Let customers accept all cookies or customize their own settings.

EASY. You can quickly create your cookiebar and categories. Via Askås Tag Manager, you connect pixels to the categories you choose to work with on your site.

AUTOMATED COOKIELIST. ACM has a feature that scans and lists cookies in WebbAdmin in real time. Through this feature, you can display current cookies on a cookie page on your site.

  • More information

    Cookie management according to GDPR

    Information about cookies must be clearly and directly made available to your customer. The customer must be allowed to choose which types of cookies to allow and no cookies that collect any form of personal information may be pre-selected.

    It must be possible for the customer to use the website without cookies with information that can be linked to a person.

    Even when a customer has chosen which cookies to allow, it must be possible to go back and change previously made choices.

    Soft compliance is not enough. That a user receives information about cookies and continues to use a website is not to be described as an approval.

    Do you want help with mapping your cookies?

    Askås Cookie Manager is based on scripts and pixels that are entered in ATM - Askås Tag Manager. There may also be pixels that are located separately. These need to be inserted into ATM or handled manually.

    If you need help with an inventory of which pixels/scripts that are on your site and link these to Askås Cookie Manager, you can buy this as an additional service.

  • Costs

    Contact Askås for more info/ordering: or +46 533 69 16 00

Sites that use Askås Cookie Manager




Diet & Health

Pen Store

Arts & Crafts


Sport & Leisure

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